OHSAS 3 Day OHS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course

This course ensures that people in positions of responsibility appreciate the environmental issues relating to their working processes and develop an understanding of how to manage them. It covers the management of environmental issues, legal requirements, water, air, land and environmental management systems.

Who this course is for

  • Environmental/Health and Safety directors, Quality managers, Management representative.
  • Safety Consultants and Auditors who have relevant foundation of knowledge in Auditing principles and skills.
  • Management Representatives and internal Safety Officer/ auditors who are responsible for the audit and maintenance of the organization OHS,
  • Regulatory affairs managers.
  • Health, safety, and environmental managers.
  • Cross functional team members of an implementation projects.


All delegates who have successfully passed the above courses have the opportunity to register as OHS auditor/lead auditor with the IQA-IRCA. (Note: for more information, please contact IRCA).

Course Content & Scope

  • Introduction to OHS including the background development and important concepts and philosophy supporting OHMS Standards like OHSAS 18001/BS 8800.
  • Definition and Terminology used in OH&S and introduction to the OHSAS 18001 continual improvement model: OH&S policy, Planning, Implementation and Operation, Checking and Corrective Action and Management Review.
  • Discussion on Legal and Regulatory Aspects associated with OHS and applicable National/International Protocols or Conventions.
  • Discuss OHSAS 18001 specification on a clause-by-clause basis, focusing on accurate interpretation and assessment requirements.
  • How to ensure Effective Implementations and Operation of the OHSMS including Defining Organizational Structure, Reasonability and Accountability, OH&S Policy, Documentation and Record Keeping, Audits and Verification and Periodic Status Review.
  • Differences between Hazards and Risks and various methods of Hazard and Risk Assessment.
  • Importance of Emergency and Contingency Plans with detailed discussion on how to develop a comprehensive and effective Emergency Response Plan.
  • Activities in a complete OHSMS Assessment including Objectives of pre- audit/stage 1 and stage 2 audit, Roles and Responsibilities, Audit Sampling Techniques, Use of Audit Checklist, Audit Methodologies, Auditor’s Skills and Attributes and Audit Reporting.
  • Comparison between OHSAS 18001, BS 8800 and ISO 14001 highlighting their Difference, Similarities and Advantages of integration.
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